
This section of the website contains links to documents and websites that we believe will be useful to practitioners and other professionals working in the area of child and adolescent trauma.

Resources for practitioners

How young people experience and react to traumatic events

 279.23 KB pdf

This resource discusses how children and young people may react to a traumatic event. It discusses different reactions that may occur at different ages. It also discusses what may help children and young people to recover from a traumatic event.

Talking to children and young people about trauma

 84.79 KB pdf

This tip sheet provides some information about talking to children about trauma, particularly interpersonal trauma.

The rise of secondary trauma

This resource developed with Kidsmatter discusses indirect sources of trauma, including media exposure.

Trauma, young people and juvenile justice

 183.89 KB pdf

The majority of young people who are involved in the juvenile justice system have faced serious adversities. This tip sheet helps to understand more about the impact of trauma on this population and how to relate this with your work with young people.

Resources for families and carers

Helping your child cope after an accident

 303.58 KB pdf

Accidents are unexpected events that often result in injury such as a car accident, sporting accident, fall, burn injury or animal attack. Accidents can have physical consequences for children that range from mild and temporary to severe and long-term depending on the nature of the accident.

Psychological First Aid for children and adolescents

 624.31 KB pdf

“Psychological First Aid” is a term used like physical first aid, to describe strategies to assess and protect people in an emergency which threatens their lives or wellbeing.

Signs of possible trauma in children and adolescents

 729.94 KB pdf

Infants, children and adolescents can have experiences which overwhelm them and possibly damage their emotional and psychological health and their general development.

Other resources

Caring for kids after a traumatic event

 18.99 KB pdf

Child Study Center, New York University, US
A resource sheet developed for professionals who want to help children cope with traumatic events.

Child development and trauma guide

Department of Human Services, VIC
A guide that has been developed to assist practitioners to understand the typical developmental pathways of children and to recognise indicators of trauma at different ages and stages. Offers practical, age-appropriate advice as to the needs of children, parents and carers when trauma has occurred.

Children with parents in prison

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The Institute of Child Protection Studies, Australian Catholic University
This issue of the Research to Practice Series discusses issues on young people with a parent in prison and implications for supporting them.

From isolation to connection: a guide to understanding and working with traumatised children and young people

 615.97 KB pdf

Child Safety Commission, VIC
This guide is for people working with, caring for, or in contact with children and young people whose lives have been hurt by abuse, neglect or other trauma.

Helping foster and adoptive families cope with trauma: A guide for pediatricians

American Academy of Pediatrics
This guide for paediatricians includes printed materials and a webinar to assist a fostering or adoptive family to better understand the special needs of traumatised children. 

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD): NICE guideline

National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence, UK
Best practice guidelines for the management of PTSD in adults and children in primary and secondary care.

Talking to children and young people about trauma

Child Study Center, NYU School of Medicine, US
This tipsheet provides some information about talking to children about trauma, particularly interpersonal trauma.

The 12 Core Concepts: Concepts for understanding traumatic stress responses in children and families

National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN), US
This resource provides an understanding of the different ways that children experience traumatic events, the different factors that can influence their response to them and the ways that this response may impact on the child and the family. 

The Australian guidelines for the treatment of ASD and PTSD

Australian Centre for Posttraumatic Mental Health
Find booklets and factsheets designed for people affected by trauma, practitioners and their families.

Through our Eyes: Children, violence and trauma

Office for Victims of Crime, US
This website features great videos that discuss the impact of trauma and also look at the treatments that work with traumatised children. 

Trauma and children

 76.75 KB pdf

Australian Centre for Posttraumatic Mental Health
This resource provides information for families and professionals on symptoms that children may display following a traumatic event and how the child can be supported.  

Trauma toolbox for primary care

Healthy Foster Care America
This six-part series provides basic information on adverse childhood events (ACEs) and other types of trauma for those in primary care practice.

Understanding trauma

KidsMatter in collaboration with ACATLGN
A complete trauma resource for people working with children.  Find information sheet and video with ACATLGN's Amanda Harris.


American Academy of Experts in Traumatic Stress

A multidisciplinary network of professionals that are committed to the advancement of intervention for survivors of trauma.

Australasian Journal of Disaster and Trauma Studies

This journal provides access to original material on disaster and psychological trauma studies.

Australasian Society for Traumatic Stress Studies

This society provides a forum for extending the understanding of, prevention and treatment of major stress and trauma.

Canadian Foundation for Trauma Research and Education

Furthers the understanding of fields of neurobiology and psychophysiology through education and research as they pertain to the treatment of traumatic conditions.

David Baldwin’s Trauma Information Pages

Primarily adult-focused information on emotional trauma and traumatic stress.

Disaster and Trauma Resource Center

American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, US
This website provides free resources for families and professionals, including fact sheets, clinical resources and online video education clips.

European Traumatic Stress Studies

Network for professionals in the field of psychotraumatology. 

International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies

International multidisciplinary, professional membership organisation that promotes advancement and exchange of knowledge about severe stress and trauma.

John Briere, PhD

John Briere is an Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Psychology at the University of Southern California. His website provides access to publications, tests and links relating to trauma in adolescent populations.

National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN)

The NCTSN website contains a wealth of information relating to trauma and children.

NCTSN Learning Center

National Child Traumatic Stress Network, US
This website is currently free to join and is an online resource for professionals and families seeking to learn more about childhood traumatic stress. The website hosts online training in the area of child trauma.

Phoenix Australia - Centre for Posttraumatic Mental Health

Provides trauma-related research, policy advice, service development and education. Assists organisations and health professionals who work with people affected by traumatic events.

Secure Start

This website has useful articles on trauma and resilience, as well as access to publications written by clinical psychologist Colby Pearce.


An organisation that helps children and young people deal with trauma, change, loss and grief. Information for professionals, early childhood, family, young people, research support, books for sale.

The Child Trauma Academy

The website for the Child Trauma Academy features many articles and resources.

The Consortium on Trauma, Illness and Grief in Schools

An organisation that assists to develop, implement and maintain community and school-based support services in order to respond to trauma, violence, illness, grief and loss.

Trauma Center

A website with resources and information on research in the area of trauma.

Updated:  27 July 2024/Responsible Officer:  Science web team/Page Contact:  Science web team