
The Network aims to promote the development of evidence-based practice in the area of child and adolescent trauma, loss and grief.

Through the website, the network aims to promote research on:

  • the potential impacts of trauma, loss and grief on mental health and well being over time and
  • effective interventions including prevention, early intervention and treatment.

Health professionals need access to up-to-date information in order to determine which interventions are considered most effective for children and young people experiencing trauma and loss.

In the first stage, we have compiled existing reviews of published research findings. These are primarily systematic reviews. Reviews are only included when the author provides details about how they obtained, selected and appraised the studies.

Systematic reviews:

  • do not necessarily cover all interventions used by practitioners. Other interventions or promising practices might be used, but not formally reported in published literature.
  • vary in quality. The methodological quality of a systematic review needs to be assessed in order to decide if and how the results of the review should be used in practice.

Practitioners need to:

  • locate systematic reviews relevant to their own areas of practice (i.e., clients seen, their problems and the settings in which they are seen)
  • critically appraise these reviews themselves, with their own clients in mind and reflecting on the applicability of the review for their own practice.

Other resources

Child Trauma Screening Questionnaire (CTSQ)

School of Medicine, University of Queensland
This self report screening tool can be used to assist in the identification of children at risk of developing PTSD.

Taking PARTicipation seriously kit

NSW Commission for Children and Young People        
This resource is for organization that want practical advice on involving children and young people in activities, events and decision making about issues that affect their lives.


Bereavement Research Forum

Childhood Bereavement Network, UK
A forum for interested professionals to discuss, promote and develop research into bereavement.

Child and adolescent mental health links

Adelaide University
This list of resources in child and adolescent mental health is regularly updated and contains information specific to trauma and grief.

Child Measures of Trauma and PTSD

Department of Veterans Affairs, US
A list of child and adolescent trauma and PTSD measures. Includes a brief description of each measure, sample items, versions and references.

Children and war, children and trauma, children and grief reference lists

Children and War Foundation, Norway
Up to date reference lists on published articles and books.

Childwatch International Research Network

University of Oslo                                                                 
Resources from an international research network focused on promoting child rights and improving children’s well-being.

KidsMatter Primary

This webpage contains peer-reviewed publication and current research projects on mental health and wellbeing of children an benefits of social and emotional learning in schools

Knowledge Bank

National Child Traumatic Stress Network, US
Provides access and referral to the network’s members and resources. It also includes material on child trauma developed by other organisations and agencies.

Research and resources database

Australian Domestic and Family Violence Clearinghouse
A central directory of all material on domestic and family violence produced in Australia. Includes formal research findings, journal articles, pamphlets, unpublished reports, training kits and videos from 2000 onwards.

The Measures Review Database

National Child Traumatic Stress Network, US                                                                                        
Database of reviews of tools that measure children’s experiences of trauma, their reactions to it, and other mental health and trauma-related issues.

Updated:  27 July 2024/Responsible Officer:  Science web team/Page Contact:  Science web team